In 2021 we did follow on investments to accelerate the growth of companies:


The Elsa Digital Companion Application is developed to support people diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis to reach a new normal faster and live life to its fullest. Users can track and follow up on symptoms, habits, and medications to better understand how these correlate. After setting up a personal plan, Elsa will guide the user through everyday life. With software-driven Cognitive Behavioral Therapy interventions, we have designed health programs, endorsed by healthcare professionals. The programs offer support with self-management techniques to better cope with the illness.


Soulve's mission is to contribute to future-proof healthcare: accessible, personalized, and affordable. Whether you're a patient, caregiver, or care manager. Soulve’s solution is MediMapp, a digital platform, where patients and caregivers navigate along valuable, relevant, data- and care path-driven information, n all phases of the care process. Before, during, and after treatment. Soulve offers a way of working that provides insight into care (processes). Insight unburdens everyone in the healthcare organization. Including the patient.

M-sense (Germany)

With the headache diary of M-sense Migraine, a patient can discover his individual headache pattern by documenting attacks, tracking medication intake and effects, and finding out what triggers the migraine. Future migraine attacks are avoided with validated non-drug therapy methods derived from clinical practice During an attack, the app provides exercises conceived to soothe pain. A  doctor’s report, developed by specialists, serves as the foundation of information for the medical consultation. It provides the patient’s physician with a brief, concise overview of attack and symptom history, enabling him or her to tailor their treatment.